Large Madonna and child church statue


Large carved wooden church statue of the Madonna and child Jesus

Rare representation of the madonna with a standing child

Beautiful quality water-guilding and a loverly weathered appearance

The child of Jesus has a beautiful heart on his chest and glass eyes

The madonna has a very serene looking face, she is standing on the snake that represents evil

A wonderful handpainted base with Initials N.D Sacre Coeur P.P.N

This statue was once part of the interior of the Monastery of Carprentras, it was bought from the a private collection

It comes with have a beautiful letter with history of this statue which was left to a lady who had connection with the Monastery back in time

A beautiful quality piece and a wonderful history attached

This church statue is dating from the late 18th century, early 1800s and in wonderful condition, just a small piece of finger missing from the madonna

123 cm high

Statue without base 105 cm

55 cm wide

base 39 x 40 cm

base 17 cm high