De Groot Antiques
A warm welcome to you for visiting De Groot Antiques
My name is Nelleke and I started this company with a mission. To turn my passion into my profession and find unique and wonderful objects for my customers. Being a ‘treasurehunter’ is the best job in the world! Antiques are a big passion for me for many years, it’s just a way of life. Especially religious antiques like wooden church statues, candlesticks and ornaments are things I loved starting as a collector. Creating your home into a warm and personal atmosphere with unique objects, characteristic pieces that have a timeworn patina. Whether it is a valuable statue from the 18th century or just a beautiful fragment of a guilded wooden ornament.
You will find items on this website from the 17th until the early 20th century, coming from all over Europe. Like authentic furniture from Sweden, garden antiques, architectural pieces, decorative objects and religious antiques items. I love to share my passion with you as an antique dealer and find beautiful objects for your company or your private collection. I hope you like the collection and if you have any questions about an item, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Nelleke de Groot